The Trussell Trust

The Brief

Increase understanding, challenge misconceptions, and foster empathy towards individuals using food banks

Sectors: Charity | Campaigns
Services: Film | Design

An Overview

The Trussell Trust asked meantime’s film production team to create social-first videos showcasing authentic stories of food bank users.

Aiming for audience engagement to encourage them to think about the structural issues, not personal choices, driving food bank use, feel emotionally connected to the storytellers, and share the content with their networks.

The Outcome

Portraying Real Stories. Shedding Light on Food Bank Use


  • 3 Films
  • Extended Film Production
  • Cut-downs & Formats for Social
  • Static graphics
  • Toolkits

Focusing our efforts into authentically portraying these stories and delivering heartfelt films we worked closely with real individuals who recently used food banks. To maintain their privacy, we devised a plan to respectfully conceal their identities. We conducted audio interviews as the basis for our narrative.

Actors were hired to visually represent them while concealing faces, aiming to increase awareness of the reasons behind food bank use. Authenticity and respect were key, ensuring the stories remained genuine. Our aim was to create content without a specific call to action, focusing solely on raising awareness of the issue.

The Outcome

Showcasing Real Stories, Sparking Reflection on Rising Food Bank Demands

The three films produced are hugely emotional and powerful stories, highlighting real issues which are affecting people across the country every single day. By framing these films around interviews with real people who are using food banks, the message of poverty being a societal construct as opposed to a personal failing is really hammered home. We are currently in the process of using additional recordings and footage to combine the interviews into a longer form documentary for general release.

Campaign Content

Designing Content for The Trussell Trust’s Campaign

Crafting the design identity for the film production campaign’s surrounding content. We created a range of social posts using imagery from the films. Overlaying impactful statistics and quotes from food bank users.

We created multiple toolkits for The Trussell Trust to share with their network, partners and influencers.

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