Vote Education, Value Education
The Brief
A film with the message: Vote Education, Value Education
Sectors: Eduction | Non Profit
Services: Videography | Art Direction | Editing | Animation
An Overview
In the lead up to the 2019 general election, the NEU called Meantime to help them communicate an important message; aiming to make the public aware of the current state of education in the UK. The film needed to show how a vote can make a difference in the lives of all teachers and students.
An Overview
An honest film that connects with viewers
Meantime are incredibly grateful to have been the creative force behind this video production, being part of a voice for change. NEU gave a huge amount of creative license to us and encouraged us to make an honest film that would connect with viewers.

Research & Strategy
The current realities of education and advocating for reform
Firstly we researched and discussed the significance behind the message. From listening to NEU, and stories from real teachers, it became patently clear that the sector was struggling, and the government needed a serious wake up call. The team formulated a concept, art direction & filming style that would complement the seriousness of the film.
We gathered the children and invited them to read and respond to the authentic narratives given to them. The interviews took place in a pristine white environment accented with pops of primary colours, visually underscoring the innocence of the children. To depict the teachers, we adopted a conventional school photograph style, aiming to convey an educational context.
This film depicts the current realities of education and advocates for necessary reforms. By capturing genuine reactions from children alongside heartfelt stories from teachers, it delivers a compelling call to action for the wider community.

The Outcome
The film had an outstanding social media response including just under 90,000 total views, and over 2,000 user actions (likes / shares) across platforms, including a retweet from the Labour party leader.

Joe Murray
Joe Murray
Sam Prentice
Adam Turner
Special Thanks
To all the teaching staff who shared their stories.